2 abril 2018 at 7:20 pm (Poemas)

AntonARREST OF ANTOÑITO EL CAMBORIO ON THE WAY TO SEVILLE. -Antonioio Torres Heredia, son and grandson of Camborios with a wicker stick, goes to Seville to see the bulls.
Brunette in moon green, walk slowly and gracefully. Its soaked loops, gleaming between his eyes.
Halfway down the road, he cut up round lemons and threw them in the water until he put them in gold.
And halfway down the road, under the branches of an elm tree, the Guardia Civil Caminera took him away side by side.
The day goes slowly, the afternoon hanging on one shoulder, giving a long bullfighter, over the Sea and the streams.
The olives await the night of Capricorn, and a short breeze, equestrian, jumps the mountains of lead.
Antonio Torres Heredia, son and grandson of Camborios, comes without a staff among the five tricorns.
ong) Antonio, who are you? If you were called camborio, you would have made a fountain of blood with five squirts.
Neither are you the son of anyone, nor Legitimate Camborio.
No more gypsies on Mount Solos!
There’s the old knives shivering under the dust.
At nine o’clock at night, they take him to the dungeon, while the Civil Guards all drink lemonade.
(Strong) And at nine o’clock in the evening, they close the dungeon, while the sky shines like the rump of a colt..
Federico García Lorca, was shot on the slopes of a mountain in Granada. We still don’t know where. Ps2

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